Blogger BlogNet14727

Herbal Detoxification For a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life


Looking for information on herbal detoxification? Read on...

While there is still much controversy today about the safety and usefulness of herbal concoctions to heal the body, in reality they have been used since the beginning of time. The secret is that they do actually work. If the preparer knows what they are doing.

Most herbal remedies on the market that are used for detoxing the body are 100% safe as long as there are no allergies in the person ho takes them. That being said it is always wise to consult with a trained professional and under that advice of your doctor before embarking on a body cleanse program that contain herbal remedies. Herbal remedies come in many forms, pills, teas, extracts, tinctures, poultices, enemas, probiotics (digestive enzymes), and alkalizing remedies.


When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that pill forms are usually easy to take, most come in a bottle but few can be found in tear away packages that are meant to use as a daily dosing aid. Many are whole herb, while others use just parts of the plant. The difference is in how the plant is to be used and additionally the plant may have some toxic parts and some medicinal ones.

When looking for the most useful pills for your herbal remedies look for those that are encapsulated in vegetable capsules with powder inside, or pressed pills that dissolve in water in under 30 minutes. The preparation of the pill is important too. Make sure they are cold pressed/processed, organically grown, and contain no fillers. You can prepare some yourself by purchasing the whole herb in bulk form at your local health food store then grinding them yourself in a new coffee grinder used especially for that purpose. You can then buy the vegetable capsules and an encapsulating machine to fill your own. Be sure to approve the herbs you use with a trained specialist first.


Like pills, teas should be taken under the advice of a trained physician. They are generally a simple preparation of boiling water poured over a tea bag, a reusable tea sack, or herbs boiled for long periods to make a stronger concoction. Some of these remedies are for immediate effects such as sleep aids, or diuretics which can be useful in quick colon cleansing. Others are to be diluted and sipped on over the course of a few days or weeks. Some companies manufacture detox teas for every day use that are mild and actually taste great. Teas can be useful for diuretics, liver detoxes, colon cleanses, thyroid boosters, stomach aids, or other remedies.


When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that extracts are usually in the form of drops that can be placed under the tongue or in water. They usually work over the course of time. Your local health food store should have a wide array of different tinctures both in alcohol and not in alcohol. Be sure to talk to a specialist before taking any.

The importance of the suspension ingredient cannot be stressed enough. While many people tout that alcohol based extracts are harmful, there are quite a few herbs whose compounds cannot be absorbed unless suspended in alcohol first, and then the component is effective for the remedy to be useful to the body. Milk thistle seed is one of these. So be sure to get the advice of a specialist or do some research to find out for sure.


Tinctures are somewhat like extracts. However, they are usually so diluted that the actual active ingredient may not be present in the final form. While there is controversy about the efficacy of such remedies, those who use them usually swear by them. Zinc nasal sprays are just an example of this remedy.


When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that like teas and extracts, the whole herb is generally used. They are soaked in hot water and then placed in muslin and used as a compression. Alternately a piece of natural unbleached cotton may be soaked in the "tea" and then placed on the skin. These can be sued to draw out poison and toxins on or through the skin or they may be used in patients who may be unable to swallow the pills of teas due to the illness. One such remedy might consist of basil and cayenne pepper, it efficacy for fighting infections of the skin from bites, stings, or other non-acne lesions is unbelievable.


Usually made from teas or coffee, enemas are used to flush out the colon. This is a slow process and should be performed with the aid of someone trained to do this. After an enema, or a series of them, it would be wise to take probiotics in pill form to replenish the natural intestinal flora.

Probiotics (Digestive Enzymes)

When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that these are becoming popular for their ability to help rebalance the bodies own natural support system. In addition to stomach acids, your intestine and colon relays on beneficial bacteria to help break down food and manufacture vitamins. However, their biggest help is in keeping the level of toxins at bay in the body from the rotting food in your system. They are also responsible for keeping harmful bacteria from growing and multiplying and then killing you. Be sure to take them regularly, even after a detox session.

Alkalizing Remedies

When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that these may be in the form of "diets" or dietary changes as well as other remedies. The most useful of the prepared remedies may be drinking a green drink. Most of those on the market are remarkably nasty. There are a few, namely greens first and berry greens that do the job quite tastefully. Dietary changes may include adopting an alkalizing diet, a rotation diet, or other eating pattern and philosophy.

The truth is, most chemical prescriptions on the market today were once based on real herbal remedies. But now they are producing them synthetically, which means, not only are the molecule structure dissimilar than the natural sources they were once taken from, they also do not contain the natural antidotes and biochemical phytonutrients that can protect the body form the harmful substances the herbs might contain. This is why many are turning back to natural herbal detoxification remedies and consulting certified homeopathic specialists.

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How To Make Money Writing Blog Novels


Blog novels are an extremely lucrative option, which every writer should take a closer look at. I am not talking theory here, Ive actually written three blog novels, and although only one of them is complete, all earn me an ongoing income. Whats more they will continue to earn me that income for many years to come thats the beauty of a blog novel.

Writing a novel is hard work, but there are several advantages of writing it online and in the form of a blog. To start with it is much easier to write it in blog format because you can get ongoing comments from your readers and even generate free one-way links from them. I did both with my first blog novel and it worked out beyond my expectations. Not to mention this little known secret about the way blog novels tend to generate traffic all on their own and without any effort on your part, like you having to work keywords. More on that later.

This is how I started writing my first blog novel. I wrote the first few hundred words, trying to put in as much suspense as possible and at the same time building up the characters in an interesting way. I put all of it in one post. The next day I did yet another post. After a few days I felt a little discouraged because hardly anybody seemed to be reading my blog novel. So I stopped writing. But not before making one promise to any would-be readers out there. I would continue writing the moment I received a comment. I would need one comment to make a post.

I waited a few days half expecting that it would not work. But it did and all this can be viewed first hand in that initial blog novel I wrote. One person wrote in and so our conversation started. That conversation with that person and a couple of other readers who joined in later, carried me to the end of my blog novel. Ive started out writing many novels in my lifetime but this was the first one that I ever finished.

I had also built a relationship with those readers who were visiting my blog and commenting, virtually daily and so when I asked for one way links to my blog novel, I got them.

The important thing here is that you must make your readers a part of your novel-writing process, that way they get involved in the whole process so deeply that they will virtually do anything for you.

Traffic to your blog novel will tend to grow as you steadily continue to write it. And so will your income from programs like Adsense where you earn money when those wonderful readers click on your ads.

With a reasonable amount of regular traffic, the cash generating options are many. You can directly sell targeted advertisements of your very own or even text links in your blog. Not to mention joining a highly relevant affiliate program. That is, relevant to the sort of blog novel that you are writing.

There is one fear that many writers have, which I want to talk about now. Some of you writers out there will be horrified at the fact that I am suggesting that you allow your raw un-revised writing to be read. What if it is all horrible trash?

My advice here is that it does not matter. In other words it is not the most important thing. The most important thing for a writer is for them to keep on writing. Blogs offer a golden opportunity for this to happen. You can always edit and revise your bovel (blog novel) when it is done. Thats the easy part and you will have already completed the most difficult part writing something.

Christopher Kyalo is a successful online entrepreneur and writer. He has written three blog novels. Read the rest of this article at his writers blog

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The Best Font for Blogs


The object of most blogs is to put out information via the internet, whether it is for business or personal purposes, which will be read by as many people as possible. The best way to accomplish this is by creating pages that are easily read and easy on the readers' eyes.

Without an eye-pleasing page set-up, you will not keep any reader on your page - no matter how good the actual content is, for more than a few seconds. So what should you be doing (or not doing) to create the best reading environment?

First, and most importantly, consider the color of your text and its background. It is very difficult to stomach text that is a neon green, or pink against a banana yellow background! That is an unfortunate design flaw that is seen on too many sites.

Black text against a white background may seem boring, but it is very legible and easy on the eyes. Ok, it does not have to be just black and white, but you get the idea. As long as there is sufficient contrast between the text and your background (preferably dark against light), there are a variety of eye pleasing color combinations to choose from - just stay away from neons!

Font choice is the second most important consideration. You really do not want to drive your readers away with fonts or a layout that make them uncomfortable. The best font for blogs is one that is simply easy to read, with letters that have an even span, and are balanced in height to width ratio. In other words, it is hard to read text that is thin and narrow, or large and bubbly (overly-rounded). Fancy text with extra flourishes are fine for titles, but hard on the eyes when used for the entire body of your blog. Some of the most popular fonts from the reader's perspective are Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet MS and Times New Roman.

Following are a few more helpful tips you should keep in mind:

1. Do not mix fonts. Using more than two different fonts on a page can be distracting and unattractive.

2. Do not abuse the use of italics - it is overkill and can loose its effectiveness. Same goes for bolding.

3. Use a font size that is easy on the eyes - usually something in the 10 to 12 point range. Smaller fonts may be hard to read for both young and older readers. It is okay to use larger fonts for titles, of course.

4. Allow enough space between lines. When the lines are too close to each other, your text is harder to read (about 1.5 em is good). This also goes for lines that are too far apart.

5. In addition to being conscious of your line spacing, look at the length of your lines. Are you leaving enough space for a comfortable margin on either side, above and below your text?

6. It is a good idea to show your work to others that you trust to give you honest feedback.

All of these attributes will leave your blog with a clean, attractive, professional look that is easy to read, and will more than likely increase the chance of your reader finishing your article, or blog post. After all, the point is to get your message out to as many readers as possible, right?

For more information on how to make the most out of your time online, whether you are blogging or building websites, visit Work at Home Mom, an internet marketing blog.

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What is Optimal Health Anyway?


This happened to me recently. I had a woman attend one of my health lectures using a walker. She had just come from dialysis and was wearing a surgical boot. I asked her if she had any health concerns, and she said no. Thats right, she told me that apart from the wound in her foot that wouldnt heal and her failing kidneys she was otherwise in good health.

Im very thankful to live in a world with such amazing, life-saving technology as dialysis, but Im also amazed that someone in this state would consider herself to be in a good state of health.

What does it mean to be healthy anyway? It stands to reason that there should be an accepted definition of health to use as a starting point. It so happens that the World Health Organization has one.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

This definition has not been changed since 1948. It pretty much says it all.

The word health comes from the same root word that gives us the word holy. Its about being whole. Being healthy is about being in balance. Balance doesnt mean that you never lean to one side or the other. Balance is about how quickly you come back to center. Physical health is greatly influenced by genetics, environment and diet. Someone who falls and receives a scrape should expect to heal. First their genes will influence potential. Some people may not form blood clots well. Some people may have other disorders that slow their ability to rebuild tissue. Others heal very quickly.

The environment may influence healing processes as well. If you keep scraping your knee, how quickly would you expect it to heal? Damaging influences need to be taken away. What other things are affecting your body that it is also trying to deal with? If your body is trying to deal with constant lung irritation due to bad air, the resources of your body might not be able to cover other battles, like an infected wound.

Diet is about raw materials. You are what you eat. If you are providing your body with good foods that are not saturated with preservatives you have the raw materials the cells need to perform the tasks of healing. Sometimes it is difficult to eat the recommended amounts of fresh whole foods on a daily basis, so high-quality dietary supplements can help ensure that you have the raw materials your body needs.

Studies have shown that people with better diets seem to enjoy better health. This means that they still get sick from time to time. They are still at the same risk for car accidents and paper cuts. What makes them healthier than others is measured by how quickly they come back to their balance. How is your state of balance?

Dave Saunders is a nutritional consultant, published author and lectures to the medical community on new discoveries and technologies in nutrition and biochemistry. You can read more about discoveries in nutrition at

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Diet as a Natural Treatment for Acne


Since the skin is the largest organ on the body and it assists other major organs in the human body with eliminating waste, one of the best acne treatments for some people can simply be the choice of foods they eat. If you are unhealthy inside it will be reflected in your skin.

Acne occurs when the natural oils that the skin produces gets clogged in the pores of the skin. Normally, acne is prevalent in the onset of puberty when the body starts to produce hormones, it has also been known to be a problem for women during pregnancy. Since acne is a problem for people world wide, there are many forms of treatment, products and medications on the market.

Many people claim that some simple diet changes can cure acne. When I was a teenager I had severe acne and tried using what were considered the best acne treatments at the time. Retin-A was one of the most popular prescription acne medications on the market at that time. Noxzema skin cream and Clearasil were some of the most popular acne products used among my friends and I.

I learnt the hard way that alcohol should not be used as a home remedy for acne and with severe acne cutting back on processed foods replacing them with a healthy diet including lots of fruits and vegetables.

Eating fiber-rich foods like fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and cereals help to clean out your digestive tract. One of the reasons people get acne is because their colons are dirty. Undigested processed food and mucus over the years form really toxic stuff called mucoid plaque.

If you've had for many years a diet with regular servings of some of the following: Fried food, animal food (including dairy), sugar, tea or coffee, white flower, microwaved food, hydrogenated fats and drugs such as alcohol or aspirin then, you more than likely have mucoid plaque in your body.

All sorts of nasty bacteria use these pockets of old feces as a breeding ground. One of these bugs, called candida eats sugars that it gets from your food and in return gives off really nasty chemicals in return that can cause all sorts of allergic reactions and skin conditions.

Using diet as an natural acne treatment was not as bad as I had thought it would be. There are so many foods that act naturally as a home remedy for acne and are often the best acne treatments. At first I thought that it would be easier to just remember when to use acne medication or other acne products that I was using at the time rather than to give up on junk foods.

One of the best fiber-rich foods is called psyllium. You can buy psyllium husks from your local supermarket or health food store and you can easily mix a tablespoon into a glass of water and drink it. Psyllium husks is also the main ingredient on some popular laxative drinks like Metamucil.

Not only will psyllium husks keep you "regular" but they act like a sponge by cleaning your colon at the same time.

You will have to find the best home remedies for you by simply researching on your own. If the eyes are the window to the soul then the skin is a reflection of your overall health so the beginning of a real cure starts from within.

To learn more you can sign up to my free 30 Day Acne eCourse to learn tips and tricks that work to clear up blemishes and make your skin smooth and silky at:

You can also read my review about the popular acne ebook: Acne Free in 3 Days

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Blogger BlogNet14727: Aug 24, 2008

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