Looking for information on herbal detoxification? Read on...
While there is still much controversy today about the safety and usefulness of herbal concoctions to heal the body, in reality they have been used since the beginning of time. The secret is that they do actually work. If the preparer knows what they are doing.
Most herbal remedies on the market that are used for detoxing the body are 100% safe as long as there are no allergies in the person ho takes them. That being said it is always wise to consult with a trained professional and under that advice of your doctor before embarking on a body cleanse program that contain herbal remedies. Herbal remedies come in many forms, pills, teas, extracts, tinctures, poultices, enemas, probiotics (digestive enzymes), and alkalizing remedies.
When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that pill forms are usually easy to take, most come in a bottle but few can be found in tear away packages that are meant to use as a daily dosing aid. Many are whole herb, while others use just parts of the plant. The difference is in how the plant is to be used and additionally the plant may have some toxic parts and some medicinal ones.
When looking for the most useful pills for your herbal remedies look for those that are encapsulated in vegetable capsules with powder inside, or pressed pills that dissolve in water in under 30 minutes. The preparation of the pill is important too. Make sure they are cold pressed/processed, organically grown, and contain no fillers. You can prepare some yourself by purchasing the whole herb in bulk form at your local health food store then grinding them yourself in a new coffee grinder used especially for that purpose. You can then buy the vegetable capsules and an encapsulating machine to fill your own. Be sure to approve the herbs you use with a trained specialist first.
Like pills, teas should be taken under the advice of a trained physician. They are generally a simple preparation of boiling water poured over a tea bag, a reusable tea sack, or herbs boiled for long periods to make a stronger concoction. Some of these remedies are for immediate effects such as sleep aids, or diuretics which can be useful in quick colon cleansing. Others are to be diluted and sipped on over the course of a few days or weeks. Some companies manufacture detox teas for every day use that are mild and actually taste great. Teas can be useful for diuretics, liver detoxes, colon cleanses, thyroid boosters, stomach aids, or other remedies.
When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that extracts are usually in the form of drops that can be placed under the tongue or in water. They usually work over the course of time. Your local health food store should have a wide array of different tinctures both in alcohol and not in alcohol. Be sure to talk to a specialist before taking any.
The importance of the suspension ingredient cannot be stressed enough. While many people tout that alcohol based extracts are harmful, there are quite a few herbs whose compounds cannot be absorbed unless suspended in alcohol first, and then the component is effective for the remedy to be useful to the body. Milk thistle seed is one of these. So be sure to get the advice of a specialist or do some research to find out for sure.
Tinctures are somewhat like extracts. However, they are usually so diluted that the actual active ingredient may not be present in the final form. While there is controversy about the efficacy of such remedies, those who use them usually swear by them. Zinc nasal sprays are just an example of this remedy.
When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that like teas and extracts, the whole herb is generally used. They are soaked in hot water and then placed in muslin and used as a compression. Alternately a piece of natural unbleached cotton may be soaked in the "tea" and then placed on the skin. These can be sued to draw out poison and toxins on or through the skin or they may be used in patients who may be unable to swallow the pills of teas due to the illness. One such remedy might consist of basil and cayenne pepper, it efficacy for fighting infections of the skin from bites, stings, or other non-acne lesions is unbelievable.
Usually made from teas or coffee, enemas are used to flush out the colon. This is a slow process and should be performed with the aid of someone trained to do this. After an enema, or a series of them, it would be wise to take probiotics in pill form to replenish the natural intestinal flora.
Probiotics (Digestive Enzymes)
When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that these are becoming popular for their ability to help rebalance the bodies own natural support system. In addition to stomach acids, your intestine and colon relays on beneficial bacteria to help break down food and manufacture vitamins. However, their biggest help is in keeping the level of toxins at bay in the body from the rotting food in your system. They are also responsible for keeping harmful bacteria from growing and multiplying and then killing you. Be sure to take them regularly, even after a detox session.
Alkalizing Remedies
When looking for herbal detoxification you should know that these may be in the form of "diets" or dietary changes as well as other remedies. The most useful of the prepared remedies may be drinking a green drink. Most of those on the market are remarkably nasty. There are a few, namely greens first and berry greens that do the job quite tastefully. Dietary changes may include adopting an alkalizing diet, a rotation diet, or other eating pattern and philosophy.
The truth is, most chemical prescriptions on the market today were once based on real herbal remedies. But now they are producing them synthetically, which means, not only are the molecule structure dissimilar than the natural sources they were once taken from, they also do not contain the natural antidotes and biochemical phytonutrients that can protect the body form the harmful substances the herbs might contain. This is why many are turning back to natural herbal detoxification remedies and consulting certified homeopathic specialists.
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Pepper Spray, Mace
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