World of Warcraft had known its share of Leveling products over the years since it's release. If you want to make a wise decision when searching for the best one, it is best to stay up to date with the most recent development in this field.
But before we go on, note that if your goal in WOW is to level at your own pace, discovering everything there is to discover and taking your time, the products I'm about to discuss are not meant for you. If you intend to power level yourself to endgame this is exactly what you need to know.
A good Demo of the products I intend to discuss will help you get a general insight of how WOW Leveling add-ons work.
There are a lot of reasons to want to get to end game as fast as possible:
A. Players that have already reached the endgame with one character and now are leveling an Alt, so they are bored with the old content.
B. Players that just joined the game and have friends waiting for them in endgame, and they don't feel like leveling for months.
C. Players that are going to level new main character especially for Wrath of the Lich King, be it a death knight or any other character.
D. Working people or players with families that don't have much time to spend on WOW, but do want to experience End Game.
All of these and more are valid reasons to want to level as fast as possible, and the first products to make that happen were written leveling guides, basically written archives listing the different quests in the game.
Those leveling guides were good at the time of making, but they required a lot of reading of PDF files and other online site that required the players to constantly ALT +TAB out of the game. This was not comfortable, and also time consuming. That's when Add-ons came into the picture.
What Are Add-ons?
Add-ons are an addition gaming scripts that a player can add up to his game. These additions usually manipulate the interface of the game: change the colors and shapes of certain elements, show text on the screen and so on.
What exactly do WOW Leveling Add-ons do then?
WOW Leveling add-ons function much like Cars GPS function in real life. They put an arrow on the screen next to your character and that arrow directs you to your next quest arena. The leveling add-on will chose the best quest to do next in order to cut down the over all time needed to level, and even give other "short cut" tips such as which spec is recommended for leveling, or when you need to hearth to minimize traveling times.
Some leveling add-ons are manually operated, meaning you get a "task list" to perform and when you finish that task to manually go to the next one, and other are fully automatic, meaning they interact with the WOW Quest log, and when you finish a certain task or quest they will automatically jump to the next task on the list, as can be seen in the demo.
Lucky for us these leveling add-ons will work perfectly fine with Death Knights as well, and all offer free updates when WoTLK Comes out, so purchasing one now will actually make a good investment.
When considering the massive benefits of WOW Leveling Add-ons over written guides it is easy to understand why WOW Written Leveling Guides are not wanted as they were in the past.
If you enjoyed this article feel free to visit for additional info on WOW Leveling Guides, WOW Gold Guides and WOW Strategies in General.
EplayFREE Arcade and Flash GamesMaking A Living From Multiplayer Games! How'd you like to be surfing the net late one night and run into a headline with those exact words in it?
How much would it change the direction of your life to get into the most explosive industry on the entire internet (for which you better have thanked Al Gore today)?
How different would your every day existence be if you aligned yourself in a category of business that has already become a meteor in terms of income generated, but has not even begun to leave the infancy stage?
The numbers of people joining the online multiplayer games ranks every day almost seems like one big typo. But it's not. To give you an idea of the kind of craze we're dealing with here, there are bills before the governments in certain Asian countries to limit the playing of online multiplayers because of the vast drop in worker productivity!
People there are putting their names on waiting lists to play these multiplayer games and they are happily waking up in the middle of the night to start their turn.
Those who do not hear the alarm clock ringing at 3:37 in the middle of the night must put their names back on that waiting list and will have to wait another several days!
Multiplayer games have changed the entire landscape of income generation on the internet forever... in much the same way that affiliate marketing did several years ago.
This represents a huge opportunity for those smaller internet marketers who want to cash in on the craze in that it will require that they simply bring traffic to their multiplayer games sites and allow gamers to decide if they want to pay to play or not... and this is AFTER those gamers have been allowed to play the games for FREE!
Win. Win. Win.
Big shifts in how people have new very real opportunities to make money online are happening right this second... as I type this.
Being able to earn money from showing off gorgeous multiplayer games is one of those shifts.
And all this comes in the year BEFORE the biggest online multiplayer game in the world is released!
Learn more about this AMAZING free trial of new online multiplayer video games
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Gem LifestyleHealth Challenges like Diabetes, HIV, Heart Disease (mainly heart attacks), Stroke/CVA, COPD/Emphysema/Chronic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Alzheimers, Kidney Disease, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, Liver Disease/Cirrhosis are diseases and disorders that require all the tools of heaven and earth to fight. Below are some poistive thinking techniques that are alternative medicine and alternative healing for your mind.
Beginning your healing journey:
1. Separate YOUR identity from the disease's identity.
2. You are a person, who is having a disease "experience."
3. Recognize that an "experience" comes and goes!
4. Your Disease/disorder experience is your life's reset button! Learn from it.
5. Disease may be in your physical body, however, it is NOT in your Soul or spiritual body!!!
Your health challenge is a diagnosis. Although it affects your life, it is NOT necessarily a life sentence. Rather than fearfully accepting your diagnosis, do research! Knowledge is empowering.
Health Affirmations: A spiritual healing is different from a physical healing!! Your goal is integration and the balance of both to create allover well being and health. Talk to your cells, your blood, your organs, your bones, etc, they are live entities!!!!! You are the commander of YOUR body! Take charge and command your cells to be healthy. You do not have to accept and enable what's happening to them. You may command the cells in your body that are here to serve your Soul!
Cancel, Cancel, Cancel, Next, Positive!: Remember thoughts have ripple effects. To stop every negative thought and action in your environment whether you think it, say it, or are in the field of someone else who says or does something negative.
POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY!!! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! You can erode all of the positive energy that you have generated by being in negative circumstances. Do not repeat negative thoughts and actions or be in the presence of negative energies (ie downer individuals, no matter where, caregivers, friends, stores, phone calls, emails etc).
NEVER EVER OWN YOUR DISORDER & make it a part of your being!
Anger: at your disease circumstances lowers the energy that you use to heal yourself. Positive energy creates more healing energy.
Fear management:
Fear is a wonderful barometer, as long as you use it to take care of yourself, to listen to your intuition, and to be vigilant about your health care. Don't dwell on your negatives. The Bible does not say,
count thy negatives. When you are afraid or depressed, count your positives.
Counting positives repels depression, and redirects you mentally, and raises your energy. Keep mentally and physically busy.
Remember when you lay down at night, you are NOT alone. You may be physically alone, however the entire Universe and all of your Guardians are right there with you AT ALL TIMES! Thats a HUGE crowd that cares and will always be there for you!!!
When you have a new diagnosis of your "experience", what do YOU believe and buy into?
UNTIL the Universe presents a tangible, don't kill yourself off with fearful "what ifs".
LIVE!! Do your research. IF you ever have another confrontation, THEN and ONLY then do you address that with energy. Never give your life force energy to what fearfully "might be" UNTIL and UNLESS it IS! Otherwise YOU will manifest the energy thought form INTO your body!!!
Create a positive energy turnarounds to your negative statements.
"I just can't do this anymore," add at this time" or, "In a few minutes I will be better."
"I'm trying". Trying is for trying on shoes or clothes or new restaurants. You must DO this!
YOUR life depends on it!
"I'm just not getting any better," add "YET." You never know what can happen in the next minute, a new medical procedure or treatment may be released.
"I don't have any hope left." AS long as there is a God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power, and you believe and have faith in that Higher Power, there is HOPE!!! And POSSIBILITY! Even if you don't feel you have hope, hope is still there. Hope IS the human spirit.
"I'm doing the best I can"....add "up to this point!!!" Reach into the depths of your Soul's reserves, and DO more !!! YOUR life depends on it!
"I don't really believe in all this "stuff" I'm doing." What do you want your Higher Power to do with your duplicity?
You are in charge of choosing your exit points. Take charge of your life Literally!!!!
and "I'll do it later. I'm tired"
There is NO later.......If you wait too long, you may be with your Higher Power.
Take charge of your life, it's the only one you've got!
Denial drains and lowers your life force energy. Use your life force energy to heal your body.
Keep a Daily Thankful Diary, a HAPPY BOOK:
This exercise will create a positive mindset, and give you strength thru the ups and downs. Take pictures, and narrate your journey. Your "story" will help others.
Write 3 things that you are thankful for each morning, afternoon, and before you go to bed.
Make this your Happy Book. DO NOT NEGLECT THIS BOOK!.....
Non-healing: "I don't have time to write this, I can't write this", then dictate to a friend!
"I don't have anything to be thankful for" ........ try being alive?
"Time Outs" are OK:
If you are truly Soul weary, take a time out. However, LIMIT the timeframe of your time out to a morning, an afternoon, or ONLY one day. Just tell your family and caregivers, that you want some time "off" to rest. When you are refreshed and ready to go, start taking charge of your thoughts words and actions again. This is not a time to take a long time out. Your life depends on it!
Sleep allows your body to recalibrate your life force energy. Dont be ashamed to sleep. Sleep is healing!
And last but NOT least,
Perspective: There is ALWAYS someone who is worse off than you.and although you may not be happy with your current situation, they would be GLAD to trade place with you and your situation!
Choose to Experience your Health Challenge, Believe YOU Are, and BE the Survivor!
You are invited to download our free pamphlet with excerpts from this book. We hope this will help you with your healing journey.
Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges" ISBN#: 978-0-9766370-3-5 - at
or Disease.htm
Feel Free to reprint this article in it's original format with the disclaimer.
Brent Atwater
Atlanta, GA 1.404.242.9022 USA
NC Office: 1.910.692.5206 USA
Disclaimer: There are no guarantees about the healing properties of these suggestions. We can only state that positive results have been documented for individual clients and research in this area continues. Ms Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Ms Atwater works in Alternative, Integrative and Complementary Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or health care provider concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change program.
Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Distance Healer: Her global Medical Intuitive & Distance Healing has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for pets by the NCSU's Veterinary school. ARTIST: An artist (30+), Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting the Healing benefits of Paintings that Heal. Her art was featured on "PBS". At 16, the NC Museum of Art chose her painting for their permanent collection. In 1987 she founded Just Plain Love Charitable Trust to benefit children & other causes. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. "Cancer Kids, God's Special Children", & "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges" These books are holistic, alternative medicine & alternative healing for your mind. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER:On TV & radio shows, Brent's motto is "I want my art & books to DO good, as well as BE good!!!" Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.
Blog ReviewThe majority of people who commit insurance fraud don't think they're hurting anybody directly. In fact, they think they're hurting major corporations who have enough money that they don't care anyway. This is not the case. In the United States, insurance scams cost an estimated $875 per person annually. It adds up to approx. $80 billion per year, and with the rapid growth of technology, it's getting harder and harder to catch.
There are different types of insurance fraud.
One of the leading forms of insurance fraud is in our health care system. Health care fraud results in over $30 billion per year in the United States. There are two kinds of health insurance fraud: member fraud and provider fraud. An example of member fraud is when you deceive your insurance company by purposely not declaring something, where an example of provider fraud is if you were to bill for a service that was never rendered.
One fast-gorwing form of insurance fraud is automobile insurance fraud. Staged rear-end car accidents are a common form of this type of fraud. This is when a scam driver will stop suddenly in front of a car deliberately so they other car rear-ends them. Another popular scam is when there's already an accident, you add damage purposely in the hopes to collect more money. Often times, this works, which is why it's important to take photographs of the damage.
Another form of insurance fraud is when the beneficiary tries to collect the benefits while the insured is still alive. This is called life insurance fraud. The best thing you can do in this scenario is to know your insurance broker. When you go in to pay your premium on the insurance, don't pay in cash. make sure you understand your policy, and if you don't, bring it to someone who does.
And last but not least, I want to talk about fire insurance fraud. This form of fraud is very common because it's hard to prove. If you lose your house to a fire, who's stopping you from declaring stuff you didn't have in the first place? There is no real way to prevent this kind of fraud. This will haunt you in your taxes and that's about it. The best thing you can do is report it if you hear of anyone making false claims.
As I mentioned previously, the best thing you can do if you're a victim of fraud or if you hear of any sort of fraud taking place, is to report it. You can report fraud to the National Fraud Information Center at 1-800-876-7060. I hope this article has opened everyone's eyes a little bit to how this serious crime is affecting each and every one of us.
Go to Insurance Fraud for information about different types of insurance fraud and scams - automobile, home, life and health insurance fraud and how to spot and report them.
online poker freerollsThe Internet is filled with hosting services trying to entice you into buying their services with their offerings. The most aggressive sales pitch might be from the hosting reseller, who buys a block of server space from a larger company, breaks it into smaller chunks and resells those chunks to users.
Essentially a marketer, these hosting resellers buy their hosting packages from large data centers housing hundreds, if not thousands, of web servers. Those data center facilities are very secure sites and cater to the needs of large businesses. The benefit to you is the access to that tighter security. They also have a much faster internet connection than the reseller could provide alone.
Another benefit is not so obvious to you, the purchaser of hosting services. Marketers are not always well-versed in the requirements and hazards of hosting technology and the expertise required to protect your business. They know how to package their product (the hosting service), attract customers, set competitive prices and provide benefits that promise make your online life easier.
But, they might not know how to provide security or how to keep your business functioning online while you're sleeping. It costs a lot of money to buy, set up and maintain servers. It also requires 24/7 diligence and dedication to protect your business data and provide seamless service.
Most marketers couldn't do that, and, even if they could, they wouldn't be able to sell their hosting services at a competitive price.
So, when you purchase hosting services from a reseller, you are actually putting the success of your business in the hands of a complete stranger who is passing your business on to a data center. Scary as that might sound, there's some real benefits for you and your business.
The data centers have technicians on board 24/7 who understand the intricacies of keeping their business customers functioning online. They also understand their servers and the potential problems any server can have at anytime. This translates into rapid repair and getting your site back online as fast as possible.
Buying from a reseller would give you the same security and technical expertise available to giant international companies. Effectively your website would be rubbing elbows with the Fortune 500 companies. How cool is that?
Another benefit you will enjoy is the speed of the Internet connection provided and maintained by the data center...a direct result of the influence and demands of the major companies hosted in the same place as you are.
The major benefit you might want to keep in mind is that the hosting reseller would be in a better position to provide excellent customer service than the data center. Those huge data centers who host the resellers hosting packages do not want to bother with small businesses.
In this world of Internet Marketing that requires some technical services that are not directly under your control, excellent customer service would be critical to your success. Without it, what would you have to sustain your business?
Dan Thompson is a veteran website designer and has used numerous web hosts in his time. Dan specializes in writing web host reviews, his latest article is a 1and1 Review. You can view Dan's latest web hosting review at
Free cPanel Web HostingIf you own an active website, two hosting issues you'll definitely comes across are bandwidth and server load.
It is interesting to note that the term Bandwidth carries two meanings. Firstly it defines the magnitude of data that can be transferred to and from the server at any given point, hence the total network capacity available for users on a server. Secondly it also relates to the total limit of data transfer allowed for each user in a given month.
Any activity that you perform on the server causes consumption of bandwidth. For example each file you upload or download, any email you send or receive, any web pages that visitors to your website access etc, all of these actions result in network traffic being utilized.
Web hosting firms devise their plans and packages in a way that there's a limit to total bandwidth that a customer can consume in a month. This makes sure that other users on the shared server also have enough traffic for their website visitors and that hosting companies themselves do not end up buying more bandwidth from their uplink provider.
The other important aspect affecting the performance of your website is server load. While server load has many definitions, it generally refers to the utilization of CPU. Just like every computer has a central processing unit to process instructions received from various applications, a web server also has a CPU that is central to its performance.
Anything you perform on the server adds some load even if very trivial to the CPU. In wider sense, the server load also refers to usage of other components like main memory, hard disk drives etc that are mistakenly taken as part of the CPU.
A request to visit a web page may result in server's disk drive getting busy fetching files associated to that page from different locations, passing it to the main memory for visitor retrieval. While delivering web pages is a simple task, add customized scripts and web based database solutions in this scenario and very soon you'll realize how tedious it becomes for the CPU to allocate limited memory among the competing requests.
Life would be much easier if all users on a shared server start to care about the load they are pushing onto the server, however generally that is not the case. Therefore it is important for you to learn if the shared server your website is hosted on is going under heavy load and stress caused by other users. Most of the times it's only a small number of users that place the server undress stress and only the system admin can figure out who they are. What you can do is ask your hosting company to move you to another server that is not heavily loaded.
Server load on a shared server is one of the reasons why many website owners prefer to have a dedicated server, specially those with successful websites. On a dedicated server it's much easier to optimize your html pages and any scripts or database you may have and see the result of this optimization in terms of faster website access and more satisfactory experience for your visitors.
Visit The Top Ten Web Hosts today to find out more about who some of the Best Web Hosts are and learn a bit more about Affordable Web Hosting
decicated website hostingCar insurance is a wonderful thing. Not only is it getting cheaper over the course of time, but it also can allow you to get into an accident and still have the money leftover in order to get different things to happen. Car insurance might not be transferable to other countries however, primarily because of the fact that the governments in the two areas do not match. If it was up to the company, then any multinational corporation would be able to offer you transferable car insurance, but because that is not the world we live in, there are many concerns that you need to take into account when figuring out if your car insurance might be transferable.
Get Clarification
The first thing that you will want to do is go straight to the horse's mouth and get clarification from the company if the car insurance that you currently have can be transferred to other companies. Either you ask the representative directly, giving them the name of the new country, or you go right to their website in an attempt to figure that information out for yourself. Either way, there is no answer more reliable than one from the company and that is definitely where you want to go first.
One problem that you might run into however is the company not working in other countries and therefore having no idea whatsoever if their insurance is transferable. This is rare, but it does tend to happen sometimes when you are working with smaller firms that do not work on the national level. Because many people still do work with these types of firms, here is what you can do if the company is unable to offer clarification.
Compare Road Laws
Road laws within different countries are quite different and one way for you to figure out if your insurance is transferable to a specific country would be to compare the road laws of that country to the road laws of your current area of residence. This is because certain insurance plans are built upon certain road laws and if those road laws do not exist in the new country, then there is a very good chance that the plan you have right now is not going to be transferable.
Additionally, you will also want to consider the insurance laws in the new country that you are visiting. These laws will tell you right away whether they recognize insurance companies from other countries and there will usually be a list of the recognized companies as well. You can always call the consulate working in your country and get the information from them as well. There are many places that you can go to get road and insurance law information on a specific country, so figuring out if your insurance is good in that country even without the help of your provider is not something that should be that difficult to do.
Changing for Compatibility
If you find out that your current insurance plan is not transferable to the new country, then chances are that you are going to have to chance your insurance provider to one that directly operates in the new country. At the same time however, if you are really attached to your provider and do not want to change, then there might be a way for you to make your current plan compatible with the laws that the new country has. The only way to find out if this is possible is from the actual country's representatives, since they are the ones that have control of that issue.
Find out more about insurance plans today. We are the premiere Canadian online source for home and car insurance. Visit us to get a free insurance quote.
Get Started with Google AdSenseA time will come when our children's children will look back upon the age of "modern" medicine of the 21st century as paganistic witchcraft, foisted upon ignorant masses of people. May God rightly judge those who corrupted His ministry of healing and killed His children.
When one compares today's modern medicine with that of the medicine practiced by ancient Egyptians, a remarkable similarity unfolds.
The Egyptian Papyri, discovered in Thebes about 1862, furnish medical prescriptions issued in Egypt about 1552 B.C. Listed among the ingredients are
-lizard's blood
-Moisture from pig's ears
-animal fats
-excreta from humans, animals and insects
-drugs (1)
For example, to cure embedded splinters, worms' blood and asses' dung were applied. Such a practice had to result in a heavy toll of death from lockjaw, since dung is loaded with tetanus spores. (2)
By Contrast, the neighboring nation of Israel enjoyed relatively good health. Their nation was a Theocracy (ruled by God). God promised the Israelites they would not suffer any of the diseases that afflicted the Egyptians, if they observed His commandments.(3)
In light of the fact that Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22), it is amazing none of the Egyptian treatments for illness show up in the Pentateuch. (4) And there is good reason. The health laws God laid down to the Israelites, i.e. sanitary disposal of excrement, washing and use of running water, isolation and quarantine, dietary regulations, cleansing after touching the dead, have all stood the test of time.
However, when tomorrow's historians investigate the written modern medicine medical record of the 21st century, what will they find? They will find medicinal ingredients, not unlike that of the ancient Egyptians.
-Pus from sores of diseased animals
-Horse serum
-Calf serum
-Fecal matter
-Unwashed physician hands
-Poisonous drugs
The record will also reveal these "modern medicines" had about the same results as the ancient Egyptians, and did nothing to advance healing. As a matter of fact, they will learn the use of these substances advanced disease at the expense of untold human suffering and death. (5,6)
Fortunately, not every modern day physician subscribes to modern day pagan medicine. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., an ardent foe of modern medicine wrote;
"I no longer believe in modern medicine. I believe that despite
all the super technology and elite bedside manner, the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices modern medicine. I believe that Modern Medicines treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that theyre often more dangerous than the disease theyre designed to treat." - Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
When you consider the modern day medicine apparatus is directly responsible for one of every three deaths, (7) Dr. Mendelsohn is right.
I believe there are others, men and women like Dr. Mendelsohn who will rise up to restore dignity, honor and holiness to the ministry of healing. They will rise up and overthrow the pagan form of medicine we know today as modern medicine.
I believe a time will come when our children's children will look back upon the age of "modern medicine" of the 21st century as paganistic witchcraft, foisted upon an ignorant peolpe. May God rightly judge those who corrupted His ministry of healing and killed His children.
1. S.I. McMillen, None of These Diseases, 1963, 11-24
2. Ibid #1
3. Exodus 15:26
4. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. In the Jewish tradition these are the Torah, the law of the covenant.
5. Diseases caused by medications include collagen vascular disease produced by blood pressure medications, and Cushing's syndrome produced by prolonged cortico-steroid use. The New England Journal of Medicine has published several studies linking cancer chemotherapy to the later appearance of new malignancies. New England Journal of Medicine. 1990; 322: 1-6
6. Parkinsonism is caused by the neurological side effects of anti-depressants or anti-psychotic medication. A Harvard Medical School study showed that drugs were the real cause
of the original symptoms in 37 per cent of elderly patients who
were treated for Parkinson's disease. L-dopa, the medication used in treating these patients has its own severe side effects, that often require the use of additional drugs to control., American Journal of Medicine. 1995; 99: 48-54
7. Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol. 284, July 26, 2000
Jim Lynn is the author of The Miracle of Healing in Your Church Today:
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