Medicine can be defined as the practice (or science) of maintaining and restoring health through study, diagnosis and treatment of patients. It can also be defined as any agent that treats a disease.
Although the definition I have used here states that a medicine is any agent that treats a disease, most of today's medicines do not treat diseases. Many only treat the symptoms of the disease. For example medicines for arthritis usually treat the pain without treating the inflammation. Insulin and other medications that control blood sugar levels do not cure you of your blood sugar problems. They only help control your blood sugar levels.
Unfortunately some alternative treatments do not cure the disease either; however, they almost never have side effects (unless you are allergic) and are usually much more cost effective than modern pharmaceuticals.
Almost anything can be considered an alternative health treatment. Examples of alternative health treatments include: different forms of massage, herbal remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, and even yoga or meditation.
I can tell you that many scientists and doctors say that there is none to very little scientific evidence to support some of these treatments. There is no scientific evidence to support the "placebo effect" either however; the placebo effect is widely recognized. From everything I have learned about clinical trials, scientists try to study things in a "vacuum". Studies are conducted using inclusion and exclusion criteria. One of the reasons for the criteria is to focus the study, but sometimes the criteria are to eliminate factors that could affect the results of the study. One of these factors could be taking certain medications.
Because of the lack of credibility of some alternative treatments, some of them are now conducting clinical trials. A product known as Peri-Gum (it treats periodontal disease) is clinically proven to work. There has also been some research performed at John Hopkins to explain the health benefits of goji juice. Most of us know about the health benefits of certain foods and vitamins.
One of the problems with alternative health treatments is that it can be difficult to judge the quality of the product of service. For example, did you know that the vitamin supplements you are taking may not easily dissolve? If the pill does not dissolve, you can bet you will not be able to absorb it. To test your current vitamins, create a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water and leave the pill in the solution over night. If it fails to dissolve, demand your money back. Since supplements are not regulated you cannot be sure that the package even contains what the label says. There was a program started back in 2001 where manufacturers could submit their products to the United States Pharmacopeia for testing. If you find a USP certification mark on the product you buy, this means that the product meets certain requirements for accuracy in labeling, purity and good manufacturing practices.
There have also been some studies done on the health value of touch. Touch as in stroking, patting or hugging can stimulate the immune system. I have also seen many studies that have been done on the value of owning a pet. Some health benefits I've seen cited include: decreased blood pressure, decreased cholesterol levels and improved mental health.
There is one other alternative therapy that deserves a mention in this article and that is "home remedies". You should ask your mother or grandmother about these. They were very commonly used by many poor families before insurance became widely available. Here are two home remedies that I know about that have worked for me. This remedy is for a skin infection such as acne or a boil. For acne cut a potato and rub it over the acne, then let it sit for 2 hours and wash it off. For a boil, peel a potato and put the inside of the skins against the boil and leave overnight. My daughter also swears by tea bags for acne. For warts, put a copper penny (if you can find one) into a small bowl filled with red wine vinegar. Every day rub the wart with the soaked penny a few times a day. Eventually the wart will dissolve and yes there will be a bit of blood. My mom did this to me when I was a kid and I had many warts. I still years later don't have any warts and I don't have any scars either.
In conclusion, there are many alternatives to taking pharmaceuticals but you need to find out about the quality of the product or service you want to try. Please note this article is informational only. I am not a licensed health care provider and am therefore, not dispensing any medical advice.
Laura Diane Simmons
LDS Enterprises
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