Blogger BlogNet14727

Can You Blog For Cash?

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Often most people around us don't understand why there is such huge fuss about this thing called Blogs. In fact most of who have even heard of blogs don't realize its full potential. Blogs are great money making machines and even you can make a lot of money by blogging. Don't believe me? Well you'll believe what I am going to tell you here below.

A blog is just like a website but with a few limitations. There is a limit on the size of the material you can upload, there are fewer fancy things that you can do to your blog etc. But all this is simply immaterial. A blog is basically something where you can showcase your talent, discuss an issue with people or just express yourself.

You must have seen advertisements on various websites and also on the various sites like MSN, yahoo and just about every popular site. But why? I know it might sound foolish to a few when I ask why, but it is very important to understand why somebody chose to promote his or her product through a website. It is not just because they want to promote their product but also because the website through which they are promoting their product has a huge visitor base and a good name amongst netizens.

All these websites are no longer sticking to the pay per click advertising model but have adopted a fixed fee model. So if you are popular in your community, professional or social circle, even you can start blogging and make money through advertising.

But don't start dreaming of a million dollar mansion right now. There's much more left to do. A blog is popular only as long as you keep it alive and abuzz with activity. You need to keep updating the content every now and then, answer the questions that people put forward, participate in debates and/or start new ones. You must be able to deliver some value to the reader who takes time to visit your blog and make sure that they return back to keep your blog making money for you.

Most of the advertisers will be reluctant initially because they want to be sure if you really have a loyal visitor base. But over a period of time if you can manage to keep your visitor base strong and loyal, you'll win over the confidence of the advertisers and then you can directly get in touch with them and ask them to advertise on your site for a weekly or a monthly fee. But it does not mean that you cannot make money in the meantime.

While your blog is still in the nascent stage you can get in touch with Google AdSense and ask them place ads on your blog. These ads will bring income on pay per click (ppc) basis. So whenever somebody will click on the advertisement on your blog Google will get some money for it. In turn because the revenue has come through your blog and efforts Google will pay you a part of it.

One thing that you must always take care of while blogging is that you must know your subject well because just one wrong or misinformed comment can often be all that it'll take to shoo away all your readers and followers. Also make sure that your readers can always freely ask you questions about the subject that you are blogging about. And when you are trying to find advertisers for your blog the best ones would be those who will derive some value out of it. So if you are talking about some topic related to pest prevention at home, a pest control company would most easily pay you for advertisement.

Jonathan Hook works with bloggers to help them monetize their blogs. Click on right now for free tips and ideas on how to make money with your blog.

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