Blogger BlogNet14727

The Ultimate Blogging Software Tool! - Does Such a Thing Exist?

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There are a number of tasks that have to be done in order for a blog to be successful.

The problem most people have is that they think all they need to do is start a blog and throw some content on it, place a few affiliate program links on the site and "WHAM!" they should be rolling in the dough. Anyone that has ever made money with blogging will tell you that it isn't that easy, there are so many more things that need to be done.

Time consuming activities, such as RSS submitting, article directory submitting, writing content that people are going to want to read, getting traffic to your site and so on. As you can see writing and maintaining one blog so that it makes money can be a handful, but what if you have more then one blog? Wouldn't it be great if there was software you could get that would automate this process for you?

Doesn't exist does it?

Let's think, if we could create the ultimate blogging software what would we want it to do?

For starters it would be able to help you set up your own blog with ease, let's say using Wordpress blogs. I wouldn't want to stop there, I would also want the software to help me personalize the theme that I wanted to use without having to try to figure out how to tweak the CSS code.

Could we go as far as making the software so that it helped us create unique content?

I think we could, if we are dreaming why not shoot for the stars. So we want the ultimate blogging software to also help us create content, we know that content is a necessity and we also know that it can be time consuming creating it on our own and we really don't want have to spend the extra funds to have someone else write it for us.

It would be equally important if the software helped us stay on top of what we needed to do each day to help guarantee success of our blogs, like a task manager. A task manager that would manage every blog we had, and we only had to log on to one place to do it all. Ahh, relief... I can feel it already.

Naturally any blogging software tool that we are creating and calling the 'ultimate blogging software tool' should also help take some of the time out of marketing our sites. We know that marketing the site is vital to our success, no matter how great our sites are... if no one is visiting them then what difference does it make?

That is why the software needs to also help with RSS directory submissions, article directory submissions and while we are at it, let's include that it will also help us with blog commenting, forum commenting and help us with getting to the social networking sites.

This sounds like the ideal blogging software tool, one that helps cut the time out of building and managing one blog or multiple blogs.

Wait! We should also include the need for support from the software people, so that if by chance we run into a problem or need help with something we have someone to help us. Yes, sounds perfect... now if only it existed we'd be able to make our blogs really earn their keep!

The good news is that blog management software like this is available for you right now. It's called FirePow! If you are serious about making money with blogs then you need to check out FirePow right now!

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