Blogger BlogNet14727

Use FeedBurner Application To Increase Blog Traffic

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FeedBurner Application is a free service which helps you keep track of your RSS Feed traffic, It is a great way to package your existing feeds providing you a host of free and premium services that you can utilize. Feed burner can be used on the original content that you have created or just any thing that you have composed for your website. There are a number of Feed burner services which can be used in order to optimize web traffic. Here are some of the techniques and a brief description on how they are useful.

The first one is called the -Creative Commons. This is a system, which sends your feeds to various other similar content providers as you. These content providers thereby, make it available to other content providers who have the liberty to republish your articles without removing your authorship. This helps is cross linking your article to various websites, which will help in resource generation at a certain level. This will popularize your blog and people will have the wish to come to you from time to time.

Believe it or not, Newsletters too act as effective FeedBurner Application for your website. Convert your blog posts to newsletters, by selecting the squeet or feedblitz tabs. And the best part is, you do not need to be an expert HTML user to create newsletter subscriptions in your website. The FeedBurner Applications also create codes that you can copy and past in your website to create subscription forms for your newsletter.

There are also other FeedBurner Applications which will help you increase traffic to your blog. In order to do this, you need to add Feed flair to your blog site. This will create a new page, which will request users to subscribe to your RSS feed. This is a useful tool for new subscribers to your blog site. It will automatically, tell the user of the different applications they can use for subscribing.

Many a times your blog post goes unread on the user-end because of a different supporting format which the user is using. SmartFeed is the option which can help the user convert your blog format into what the reader wants to see.

Another useful FeedBurner Application that you can use in your website is PingShot. This will help in informing other websites and your users about when you have last updated your website. The more frequent you are with your blog updation practice, the better it is for your website visibility.

These are just a few of the FeedBurner Applications which you can use to optimize your website traffic. There are even more applications which you can add in order to increase blog traffic.

About the Author- Naman Jain is an Online marketing professional, Presently working with Rupiz Media, one of the leading UK web development company, providing PPC services and web designing solutions.


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