Harnessing your players' passion for gaming is something that most casino marketers will agree is the easiest way to increase frequency of play and time at the table/machine. What they can't agree on is what method is the best. What if it was possible to harness your players passion for the games that they love in a way that could also reward Your Casino with new quality high Theo Players.
When you have a high theo player, some would argue that the best way to reward them is with some type of extravagant gift, or experience that would take them off of the casino property. On the surface this tactic makes sense, because it gives the host some 1 on 1 time to get to know the clients likes and dislikes. There are a couple of problems with the above scenario.
1) When you take someone off property to an event, you take away from the time that they can gamble at your casino.
2) By showing them a great time, they may remember this fondly and even tell some people about it, but they will not be actively engaged in promoting your property
3) While getting quality time with your high theo players is of great importance, remember that the ultimate goal is to earn more revenue for the casino
What can you, as a casino marketer do to ensure that your player development program is as efficient as possible while giving you a better ROI. Why not let your players Bring the Casino Home with a truly targeted player development gift. Everyone talks about targeted gift giving, and targeted player development, but a truly targeted player development gift taps into what Your Player is passionate about. Where better to start then with the very thing that they come to your casino to do, play their favorite casino game.
Finally there is a gift that is perfect for this crowd. A Casino Game of the Month Gift Club. It is the 1st of it's kind, and since most casino marketers already use monthly gift clubs as player development gifts, this should be a no-brainer. A win-win for both the casino and the player. The player winds up with a branded Home Game set-up as a reward, and the casino winds up being able to do something that has not been possible as of yet....Sponsor Your Players' Home Game.
Every week when they get together with their friends to play Poker, they along with their friends will be staring at your brand throughout. They say it takes between 4-8 impressions to change the buying habits of someone. Is it worth it to wait a couple of months to add up to 6 new players to your database?
This is what the casino industry needs during this time of growth. By cultivating your players where they are the most comfortable, and allowing them to practice with their buddies, you are building an even stronger bond with your player. The Game of the Month Club allows you to cross-promote other games within your casino that have higher house advantages.
Eric Hansel is the President of Executive Gaming Monthly....The 1st Casino Game of the Month Gift Club, and the coolest gift around. Eric lives in New Jersey with His wife and Son. To find out more about how Executive Gaming Monthly can help you to optimize your promotional spending check out http://www.ExecutiveGamingMonthly.com, or give us a call at 201-927-3526.
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